Book: The God Of Small Things by Arundhati Roy

The pulitzer prize winning novel describes the twins in Kerala, India, returning home after ages. The main cast of the book’s story, set in the Indian village of Ayemenem in Kerala is formed by Rahel and Estha, the twins, Ammu, their mother, Baby, their grandmother, and Velutha, the untouchable. The start and ending are gripping but sags a lot in the middle. Sophie Mol, from abroad forms a transient part of the story. You have to wade through a lot of pages where the story just refuses to move before you reach the thrilling end which is gripping. A knowledge of the Indian context is not necessary to get into the story, though references are made to the local politics.

The story brings out the author’s extreme left wing tendencies much like the Communist government that rules Kerala for much of the post independence era, albeit within the broad democratic system of elections in the federal and state levels.

The pickle factory references makes one wonder if this is a wee bit autobiographical or at least biographical, but there is no concrete evidence for suspecting it.

Since there are many more exhilarating books out there to read, this should be in the bottom of your reading pile, if you decide to even give it a try.

Well, let us say an overall 5/10.

— Krishna

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