Book: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

Are you one of those who have lived under a rock and have not read the book or seen the movie of  The Da Vinci Code, the runaway success from Dan Brown? If so, a word of advice : Read this one first. The two stories are independent stories, and you don’t have to read … Continue reading “Book: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown”

Book: The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker

Having been impressed with the author’s earlier book How the Mind Works, I decided to give this one a try. If you do, you will not be disappointed. The book educates, astonishes and repays the effort you put into finishing this large book handsomely.  This book is all about why violence has declined in the … Continue reading “Book: The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker”

Book: Black House by Stephen King and Peter Straub

Stephen king has a penchant for keeping his supervillains across books. Randall Klegg comes in multiple stories and now we find Crimson King from the Dark Towers series transported to this book as well. But this book has some deeper ties to the series than just the archvillain. More of it later.   Two policemen … Continue reading “Book: Black House by Stephen King and Peter Straub”

Book: Memories of Midnight by Sydney Sheldon

I know that Sydney Sheldon was the king of storytellers in the eighties and if you read today, it may sound simplistic. However, if you are willing to not think too deeply about it, and ignore the formulaic storytelling (for instance, he describes the special restaurants and tourist places of every city where the story … Continue reading “Book: Memories of Midnight by Sydney Sheldon”

Book: The Sky Is Falling by Sydney Sheldon

You can get lost in Sydney Sheldon’s books. I admit that he is an old author and is not as sophisticated in his storytelling as, say, Dan Brown (Whose Angels and Demons, just to cite one example outshines most of Sydney Sheldon’s book) but there is a raw power in Sydney’s storytelling and if you … Continue reading “Book: The Sky Is Falling by Sydney Sheldon”

Book: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

After the spectacular success of his fourth book (The Davinci Code – See the review elsewhere in this forum) , this is his latest book. All the normal Dan Brown ingredients are there: The World’s Shortest Chapters, the taut suspense at the end of each chapter, the tension, the famous hero Robert Langdon – the … Continue reading “Book: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown”

Book: Deception Point by Dan Brown

We have already reviewed Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code and Digital Fortress from the author in this blog before. Rachel Sexton, daughter of the presidential candidate Senator Sedgewick Sexton, is surprised when President Zachary Herney calls for her. She is just a cryptology expert in NRO. Her father is a Presidential hopeful and is ahead in … Continue reading “Book: Deception Point by Dan Brown”

Book: Digital Fortress by Dan Brown

This was an earlier book written by Dan Brown and was written in 1998. (Has he been REALLY writing books for that long?). With the phenomenal success of the Da Vinci Code, this has been enjoying a sort of a revival and is being republished. We have, of course, reviewed both the Angels and Demons and The Da … Continue reading “Book: Digital Fortress by Dan Brown”

Book: The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

This is, of course, the most famous of Dan Brown’s books, but in my opinion, not the best.  That honour goes to his Angels and Demons, reviewed here earlier. However, as thrillers go, this one is pretty good too.  As it happens, this is the second part of the story of Angels and Demons  chronologically, … Continue reading “Book: The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown”